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5 Questions You Need to Ask When Choosing a Car Service

5 Questions You Need To Ask When Choosing A Car Serviced In A Service Center

Maintaining a communicative relationship with your service centre is as important as maintaining your car. To be aware of any current issues and potential problems that your car is facing you must be able to ask the right questions when bringing your car for a checkup. This can avoid problematic situations on the road.

Here are 5 questions you need to ask when getting your car serviced:

Have You Worked On My Make And Model Before?

When you go to get your car serviced, make sure the dealer is aware of the ins and outs of your specific car so that they can handle repairs with precision. 

Car Rehub is a multi brand car workshop in Noida that has relevant experience with car models.

What Are The Diagnostic Costs?

Many car service centres are expensive. so make sure that you don’t spend much on the diagnosis. Many at times, unprofessional workers rip you off when it comes to the diagnosis stage. Ask them how much it would cost you for the machine to gauge the problem with your car. 

Car Rehub provides the most cost effective car service in Greater Noida so you don’t have to worry about the money you have to spend on your repairs.

Are All These Repairs Necessary?

This might sound like a silly question but you must make sure the auto mechanic is able to tell you in simple terms what needs to be done and why. On querying about the reasons behind the repairs, you will have a better grasp on the entire procedure. 

Our service centre understands the concerns of the car owners and repairs the damaged parts without hampering any other part of your car.

Is There A Warranty On Your Services Or Parts?

Warranties vary from company to company. Many repair shops have written guarantees on parts and labour up to a certain time or mileage limit. Therefore make sure to verify what is covered and for how long. 

Car Rehub provides the best car service in Noida that gives complete clarity by breaking down the warranty and guarantee policies. Our work is done with full transparency.

Will I Get An Invoice?

Ask your service centre if they provide a detailed invoice once the repairs are completed. By getting an invoice, you will know exactly what parts were replaced and when. So, in future, if a part stops working, you can have proof of the date of service and warranty. It will also prove helpful when you sell your car. 

Here at Car Rehub, we provide a detailed invoice of the services carried out in our multi brand car centre in Noida. 

A genuine auto mechanic that answers all these questions to your satisfaction is the one you can trust with your car. 

If you require a car maintenance or auto part repair, schedule your appointment with Car Rehub today. You can come and ask all these questions or any other doubt. We will be obliged to clarify all your queries.

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